TS: To Tie Your Tangled Tongue, [Mikey, Jepha]

Oct 22, 2010 00:50

Title:To Tie your Tangled Tongue
Characters: My Chemical Romance, Jepha Howard
Place in the Timeline: Before the Paramour

A/N:Well, this was not the next piece I expected to post, but Jepha was rather insistent on having a proper entrance into the story line. I swear the next posted piece will be cuddlier. This takes place at a Roadshow Festival ( Read more... )

writing: bandom, wolves and end times, my fic

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sly_fuck October 22 2010, 14:14:26 UTC
First of all, I am always going to be the girl going OMGYAYJEPHA when his name is mentioned. Just to clarify that point. Jepha ranks up there with Bob for me. (In case this was somehow unknown.) Also, yay Ohio. I miss home.

Everything feels too bright, shiny like gas station jewelry, sun-lit yet dirty. Your woooorrrrrdddddssssss. I want them always in the world to be enjoyed, don't you dare stop.

instead, all around him people slide in and out of focus. Mikey reaches up to push up his glasses and the entire world heaves.

He makes the mistake of closing his eyes. I love how you make us feel what the characters feel. And also, ominous. *narrows eyes at you*

The Weave pulses around him, threads wavering, making him gasp and clench his fists. He sees gaps, all the cut and fraying threads, tangling into complex knots all around him. The undulating threads in his immediate vision make him seasick. I may have just snorted at myself for calling you a weaver in a previous comment. STILL TOTALLY TRUE, but ahahaha great minds apparently? This is so...sensory. You see and feel and hear and all those wonderful things with your writing.

"Jepharel, the Unbinder, Lord of Oaths and Upholding," he mutters.
The figure before him hissed. "Motherfucker. I thought that House mark looked familiar." *blinyblinkyblinky* Mikeyway. Your Mikeyway is one of my favorite Mikeyways. (I think I just wanted see how many times I could use Mikeyway but also truth.)

Cemetery angels. Mikey thinks, and has to force hysterical giggles down. He feels tears tracking down his cheeks and tries to look away as the wings settle, mantling. The feathers clash against each other, sound like a battlefield. This may have just inspired art. Fuck. *adds to list and tries to make muse SHUT UP*

"I know you guys are working under radio silence, but right now would be a good time to light the bat signal."
"Can't," Mikey says through gritted teeth.
"Bullshit. Won't is not the same as can't. You need the fucking support, Mikey." THISTHISTHIS. *cheers Jepha on*

Bob's feature's slide, face gaining pale fur and a muzzle, Frank is his shadow, canine cant to a black-furred jaw. The pair of them are fierce; Bob looks down-right dangerous. Gerard is wreathed in wavering scarlet fire, pulsing up around his hands. Ray is blue, deep cobalt calm, eddying down around his fingers, the light flows down to pool around his sneakers. EEEEEEEE! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

"I hate to tell you, but the world's been broken for a long time." Jepha says. There's a low slide under his words the drag of cold flesh along gravel that sets Mikey shivering. Jepha sighs winter wind through dead trees and pats Mikey's cheek. "And you fix what you can." Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Want to live in this universe...except for the part where I would be utterly freaked on a regular basis, lol@self.

Jepha grins. His teeth seem very sharp. "I said it would help. I didn't say it would taste good." I love that this is so not our reality and yet everything feels like we've just slid sideways and it's totally happening where we can't see.

Mikey feels the hot, dry breath of endless fire against his skin again and he slits his eyes into a glare. Jepha laughs outright.

"Save the evil eye for someone it works on." Hee BOYS. So much love for you and them.

"If you guys let him wander close to a stage, I will personally kick each and every one of your asses." Jepha growls. I will never not see Jepha as a protector. This is just mmmm *happyplace* for me.

Brilliant, Tbird. Now I'm saving the Black Parade bit (4 parts OMGYAYYAYYAY) for later when I have more time to comment fully. LOVELOVELOVE.


crowgirl13 October 22 2010, 19:43:59 UTC
I was so confused by the place-holding thing. lol@ME.

Yay! Be that girl! I fully support that love [though, I had forgotten the extent of your love. *is bad friend*]. You even got a tiny bit of Jepha and Bob here. :D

Yeah, I had to do the Ohio shout-out. I don't know how well you know Northeast Ohio, but the venue I had in mind here is Blossom Music Center, in Cuyahoga Falls.

Your woooorrrrrdddddssssss. I want them always in the world to be enjoyed, don't you dare stop. Stop, yer making me blush. Hee! And I wouldn't worry about the words stopping any time soon - I just keep getting more and more for this 'verse. [Which is SUCH a relief, OMG!]

And also, ominous. *narrows eyes at you*
It's like you don't know me. Ominous is my middle name!

I may have just snorted at myself for calling you a weaver in a previous comment.
I lol'ed tons at that comment tbh, and couldn't wait for you to see this bit. :D :D

Your Mikeyway is one of my favorite Mikeyways.
I'm rather fond of him too. Though I find it interesting that you chose that quote to say so. What is it about that snippet prompted your comment?

This may have just inspired art. Fuck. *adds to list and tries to make muse SHUT UP*
And by fuck you obviously mean FUCK YEAH! \o/ I HAVE ONE THE AWESOMESAUCE LOTTERY TODAY!

THISTHISTHIS. *cheers Jepha on*
Seriously. It's about time someone was the voice of reason.


Want to live in this universe...except for the part where I would be utterly freaked on a regular basis.
Ha! Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about this too. [And thanks - I wasn't quite sure about how the descriptions worked in that section. :D]

I love that this is so not our reality and yet everything feels like we've just slid sideways and it's totally happening where we can't see.
Mah gleeface, let me show you it. :DDD That is *exactly* how I want this to feel - which is why I'm trying to keep to a timeline of sorts and why I keep tying it to geography.

Hee BOYS. So much love for you and them.
NO YOU. Boys, how so creepy and adorkable, all at once?

I will never not see Jepha as a protector. This is just mmmm *happyplace* for me. Once an angel, always an angel. Falling doesn't seem to have much effect on that protective ~thing.

Brilliant, Tbird. Now I'm saving the Black Parade bit (4 parts OMGYAYYAYYAY) for later when I have more time to comment fully. LOVELOVELOVE.

Thank you, babe! I'm glad you've enjoyed the new stuff so far and look forward SO MUCH to you reponse to TBPaWCA. BIG LOVE! *tacklehugs*


sly_fuck October 24 2010, 14:47:56 UTC
Re:placeholding: Dude do you know how long I waited for more of this? Totally stealing first, LOL@ME4EVER.

JEPHAAAAAAAA. Jepha/Dan is the OTP but Jepha/Bob makes me happy in my happyplace. That sounded dirtier than I meant it too. *is 12yroldBOY*

Ohio will always be home.


LOL, I told you brain waves are crossed or something, thinking the same thoughts.

Because he's kickass in that awkward Mikey way? Like you know he's badass but it's not occured to him? idk how to explain why that quote brought it home.

And I just got hijacked by Marie and Rachael for art purposes too...oh, well more art in the world is never bad. XD

Ahahahaha, a bandom boy be the voice of reason? Where you been hiding the good drugs, T? Share.

OMG I BLUSHED AND FLAILED. I can't believe you like them enough to use them that way, omgosh.

Your descriptions are FANTASTIC. Srsly, would live here and enjoy the daily (hourly?) freakouts. Gladly.

You succeeded beautifully.


Hmmm, falling. Protective fallen Jepha. Hello new kink.

I promise to get to TBPaWCA asap. Maybe this monday when am free from work/hell. <33333333333333


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