Day of indistinction

Mar 31, 2010 08:40

The last three days have been one, long grey smear. I can appreciate the rain - the plants love it and all the winter debris gets washed away - but I also have my limits. There's only so much Dank a blackbird can stand.

[Speaking of blackbirds, the pair of crows who've moved into my backyard evergreen are in fine form today. They've been raucous and practicing their more aerobatic moves in the yard. It's pretty awesome.]

My brain's pretty soggy - and I'm compiling bits and bobs for National Poetry Month - so in lieu of a proper post, how about a meme? :D

Comment if you'd like a color. Then list ten things that you like/love which are that color.

sasha_feather gave me white

1. The white feathers of a magpie's wing.
2. Bones
3. The pages in a new sketchbook
4. The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson
~Admittedly, there are a lot of white queens, mythic 'white' maidens [like Branwen], woman turned into swans, winter witches and the like who I dig. But the story of the Snow Queen is one of the deepest seated fairy tale burrs. I am rather fond of Lewis' White Witch too.
5. Milk foam on a latte
6. White quartz pebbles
7. A full moon
8. Calla lilies
9. Seamus Heaney
10. Christmas snow

Comment and let me know if you'd like a color.

And hi. :D How are things?

weather god post-its, me and me, linky link link

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