TS: ART!!!!!

Nov 25, 2009 10:49

This post is subtitled "In Which Everyone gets to see proof that Ash [aka sly_fuck] is made of Awesome and Win."

Look! Ash made me amazing art to go with Traveling Show! It's seriously amazing stuff, spot on for the boys and just gorgeous. I am just floored by how beautifully these fit the TS characterizations.

What I'd requested was pre-TBP era My Chem, with associated colors. Ash made 'cards' for each of the boys, based off of the various snippets I've posted so far. They fucking ROCK!

This picture does not have a caption because wolf!Bob with his fierce on pretty much makes me want to swallow my tongue. UNF.

It's not actually possible to get a better image of Frank from 'Give 'Em Hell, Kid'. I mean *look* at that.

RAY! I love the contrast of color, light and shadow in this one. It's so quiet in comparsion to the others.

And this is the PERFECT contrast to the Ray card. GEE! This is over-the-top, dynamic and exactly right for Gerard.

Okay, I love all of these cards a truly unholy amount, but this last one actually made me cry. It captures not only TS Mikey perfectly, but also the spirit of this 'verse. I have seen this exact scene in my head!

Seriously, these are so damn awesome it leaves me flailing incoherently from joy. Isn't Ash AMAZING?????

fangirls of a feather, art!, wolves and end times, picspam

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