TS: snapshots from FBR

Mar 01, 2009 14:05

TS info post is here.

Since we're in a new month, I thought I'd post some bits from the other bands. These are from various points in the timeline, but are all grouped [currently] under the same arc, Sugar, We're Going Down. FBR-centric.


Beginnings Are Always Weak
~Jon Walker
Yeah, this isn't awkward... )

writing: bandom, wolves and end times, sneaky comment fic, weaveverse au

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turlough March 2 2009, 19:40:25 UTC
Spencer growled out a phrase

So Spencer is apparently some kind of magician, yes?

Jon can't even define what it is, despite his thorough education

I wonder what kind of education that is and where he got it...

dissolve down into a brackish slime

Brackish, eh? When those tentacle guys appeared for Frank and Bob it smelled like that too, does this means there's some sea/ocean connection? But Bob's first monster was dry and sandy, hmmmm...

We've become too much of a danger for our fans and the people around us.

Their fire burn so bright that they can't contain the monsters it draws to this world any longer, is that what they mean?

"We've chartered a boat for a tour of San Francisco Bay tomorrow."

Why a boat???

"I'm leaving some...things to Mikey Way, too."

I wonder what kind of things, and why he left them to Mikey. Did this reality have a Summer of Like too?

"Get to Colorado. Leave from there."

Why Colorado? And leave for WHERE??

"Hey Andy, would you tell..." [...] "I will."Tell whom what??? Damn you for dropping these ( ... )


crowgirl13 March 2 2009, 22:50:04 UTC
Magician is a good name for Spencer, yeah. This is one of the first moments he's ever done anything though.

Jon...well, Jon has the same education that Mikey has. Eventually.

Brackishness... well, there are some commonalities between monsters...but mostly? We English speakers have only so many adjectives for damp ickiness. :D The monsters that Bob and Frank ran into, the tentacle ones, are something very different.

Their fire burn so bright that they can't contain the monsters it draws to this world any longer, is that what they mean?
Kinda, yes. They have become flames, too effective beacons. There shine outweighs their ability to protect and inspire. And this is why Mikey is so insistent about not telling his band.

[As stated before, the music is more important. And Gee's vision. He has this idea that, if he doesn't say anything he can hold this fate aside for them. Which is kinda like hiding under the blankets and figuring if you can't see the closet monster, then he can't see you.]

Why a boat???Because they can all swim, ( ... )


turlough March 4 2009, 16:23:42 UTC
e English speakers have only so many adjectives for damp ickiness. :D

That's one thing less to keep track of at least :-)

They have become flames, too effective beacons. There shine outweighs their ability to protect and inspire. And this is why Mikey is so insistent about not telling his band.

Okay, I think I get it... But why would knowledge influence how bright they shine? *ponders*

Gee's vision. He has this idea that, if he doesn't say anything he can hold this fate aside for them. Which is kinda like hiding under the blankets and figuring if you can't see the closet monster, then he can't see you.

Oh Gerard! That only works on closet monsters, you really should be old enough to know that by now. *pets the silly boy*

let them slip in under the radar

Slip in WHERE?? You're such an evil woman, HINTING at things like that *grumbles*


crowgirl13 March 4 2009, 16:49:39 UTC
Like I said, the tentacled monsters are different. It would be wise to keep an eye on them. But otherwise, yeah, I won't worry about tracking the creatures. :)

But why would knowledge influence how bright they shine?

Once you see something, you can't un-see it. And this is the sort of thing that changes you, when you do see it. But you're mostly right - it's not the knowledge but what they *do* with the knowledge that makes them attractive targets.

It's not Gee that's attempting to throw a blanket over My Chem and thus protect them from the closet monster - it's Mikey. But the rest of your comment still applies. *pets the silly boy too*

Slip in WHERE?? You're such an evil woman, HINTING at things like that *grumbles*

Well, I *am* an Evil Twin. >;D And I think you only call me on half my evil hints. :D Don't worry - we'll get there eventually.

[I really love that icon. Interesting crop, there...]


turlough March 4 2009, 17:53:56 UTC
the tentacled monsters are different

They're SCARY! And the way they can apparently bring bits of their own reality with them is distinctly creepy and unsettling.

Once you see something, you can't un-see it. And this is the sort of thing that changes you, when you do see it. But you're mostly right - it's not the knowledge but what they *do* with the knowledge that makes them attractive targets.

Aha, then I understand a bit better. Both of these make very much sense, especially the last one.

It's not Gee that's attempting to throw a blanket over My Chem and thus protect them from the closet monster - it's Mikey. But the rest of your comment still applies. *pets the silly boy too*

*re-reads* *thwaps self* How could I misread that, it's so very obvious that it's Mikey you're talking about. Though it's even sillier for Mikey to do that, he REALLY ought to know better :-)

Isn't it pretty, it's by thelemic. It's a pity he makes icons so seldom, he got a real talent.


crowgirl13 March 5 2009, 14:34:38 UTC
They're SCARY!
\o/! Excellent - I'm so glad to hear that. I was aiming for creepy, so it's exciting, knowing that I hit my mark.

Both of these make very much sense, especially the last one.

I figured it was just a matter of flipping the comment around until it made sense. And yeah, the last bit is pretty obvious with this lot - between the general earnestness and 'this band will save your life', you just *know* this crew won't sit quietly once they see what's going on.

How could I misread that, it's so very obvious that it's Mikey you're talking about.

Hey, I re-read the comment too, and could see how you'd come to that conclusion. :) And yes, Mikey really SHOULD know better - all I can say about this is that he means well...

Isn't it pretty, it's by thelemic. It's a pity he makes icons so seldom, he got a real talent.

It's *very* pretty. I'd love to see more icons and more fic from thelemic; though, I'm pretty sure he's doing BBB..\o/!


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