TS: I Never Told You What I Did For a Living

Mar 18, 2009 22:54

TS Info. post is located here.


Bob's nose is pretty keen. Compared to the handful of other Fianin and shifters he knows - or has known (he frowns, thinking of Joe) - he's always been the best at following a scent trail. Granted, half of the shifters he's known have dulled their senses down, most often with pot, just so they can make the time spent immersed in masses of unwashed humans bearable. Bob… well he's never considered that a problem. This is his world and he prefers knowing its scents. More importantly, he needs to be able to track his band. Gerard and Mikey make it pretty easy - Frank and Ray, who are more dedicated to the concept of regular showers, present more of a challenge. But it's definitely worth the effort - and Bob needs that, needs to be able to keep tabs on them in as many ways as possible.

Back when he wasn't part of the band - when he wasn't even their sound guy, but was working for The Used - Bob had started sorting through and memorizing their scents. At first he'd told himself that it was because of Brian.


From the first moment he sets eyes on Brian Schechter, Bob knows kin. The only suitable comparison he has is his first true meeting with Andy Hurley - but there' s something deeper with Brian, something that made every part of Bob, from moonsong to sound tech, sit up and pay attention. Anything this tiny, bossy, tattooed asshole wants, Bob will do his best to achieve.

That's really what sells him on working with The Used. Sure, it's an awesome opportunity and Bob can't actually believe that a decent touring company wants his expertise that badly. [He has his pride, okay. Bob knows he's good, possibly fucking good at his job. But still...] Excitement and his own itchy feet override any of his insecurities. And it's a great tour; The Used accept him from the start. Part of that acceptance is due to Brian - even those crazy motherfuckers listen to Bri - but more of it's due to Jepha's approval.

Bob doesn't know what to make of Jepha. He takes to the part of hardcore rocker like he'd been made for it, but still maintains a zen-like detachment from the accompanying crazy that Bob envies. Bob doesn't exactly look up to Jepha, but he does respect him - as does his band. And that band is the first to truly see Bob; definitely not all of him, but enough that Bob can relax a little. The Used treat him like he's theirs, and Bob is just lonely enough- on tour and in general- that their possessiveness is okay. So he rides with them, feels the comfort of pack by proxy, and knows he's made the right decisions with his life (no matter what his mother says).

Midway through that tour, two things happen to change Bob's focus. The first - he bumps up against his first monster - in fuckin' IOWA of all places - which he promptly kills, watches collapse into dust and then spends a sleepless night puzzling over.

The second thing is Gerard Way.


Brian's on the bus, yelling at Quinn. Bob not exactly why, though Bri's shouting something about a Super Soaker and hair dye. It's around two - Bob glances at his watch, thinking he could use the excuse of needing to double check his equipment to escape Brian's wrath. (Okay, Bob knows a little more about the Super Soaker incident than he's currently copping to and is beginning to worry Quinn will give him up out of desperation.) Before he can sneak away, the bus door opens and Bert trips on up the stairs, pulling a second greasy-haired dude behind him. The stranger’s momentum sends him careening into Bob’s side. Bob steadies him, hands on his shoulders, as Bert’s guy looks up at him, giggling. Bob's breath stutters in his throat as he takes in the upturned nose, unwashed hair and pointed chin. Bob stares and for the first time in his life feels the wolf override all his senses.

MINE howls that part of him, and Bob looks closer. He takes in the clean line of his jaw, the arch of dark brows, but doesn't discount the glazed look in his eyes. Doesn't matter.He thinks. And that's the moment everything changes for him.


writing: bandom, wolves and end times, sneaky comment fic, weaveverse au

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