Ducking in all brief-like...

Dec 24, 2008 22:48 wish all of you Happy Holidays [and even just a Happy Wodensday].

Peace, Joy and Light in the Darkness to you, your kith and kin.
As is only fitting, considering how bright y'all make my world.


holly friggin jolly, feeling the love, brand new day

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joereaves December 25 2008, 04:32:01 UTC
Happy Christmas sweetie.

As is traditional here I am up late because I'm still writing the secret santa fic I have to post tomorrow. One year I'll write it early I swear.


crowgirl13 December 25 2008, 21:06:21 UTC
Happy Christmas!

That's my major resolution for the new year - to be early/on time for as much as humanly possible. I was up to the wee hours Tuesday, working on a mix for my office secret santa. Luckily it was a hit. Good luck on the fic!



joereaves December 25 2008, 21:08:35 UTC
Finished it at 5:30am, for a certain value of finished ... There's going to be a sequel because it was already up to 3300 words lol.


crowgirl13 December 25 2008, 21:11:38 UTC

Ah, Joe. You're so awesome. I'm glad you got the first piece 'finished' in time. :D


joereaves December 25 2008, 21:13:52 UTC
:D I knew it would be done. I promised it would be so it would be if I'd had to stay up all night. It's my own fault for procrastinating.

At least I got to pick the prompt I wanted. (I ran it so it's a perk)


crowgirl13 December 25 2008, 21:43:05 UTC
Oh, I totally knew you'd finish; I was laughing more at the length issue. :D

And yeah, sometimes it really pays to be the boss. :DDDD

I don't think I've said it recently, but I'm really glad I know you. ♥


joereaves December 25 2008, 21:48:08 UTC

So I don't know if you missed it but I commented to an earlier post you made asking about maybe some kind of exchange? Your art skills in exchange for some fic? Lucas and I need an artist and neither of us can draw at all.


crowgirl13 December 25 2008, 22:06:58 UTC

Hmmmmm... I might have missed this comment, yeah. I was kinda benched by illness for a while there. What kind of art are you looking for? My abilities are a little specialized, but I can see what I can do...


joereaves December 25 2008, 22:29:07 UTC
You were talking in a post that I cannot for the life of me *find* now... Nope, found it.

You were talking about coloured pencils and drawing and so I asked and you have to read Lucas' reaction to the idea of asking you btw lol.

Any kind of drawing we're interested in - I don't care if it's portrait style realism or cartoons or anything as long as it's recognisable lol. I don't know what kind of artwork you do when it comes to drawings.

But our huminal AU needs some art and we both suck lol. If you cant we won't mind hon, but I had to poke again just to see :D


crowgirl13 December 25 2008, 23:55:50 UTC
Ah ha!

Yup, that was about the time that the *real* cold, complete with the army of snotmonsters from Mars set up camp. [Man, I have a bunch of replies to make to people...*sighs*]. Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply, previously.

I admit that I'm a little nervous about figure drawing. But then, I'm also prone to having less faith in my abilities than I should, and you've seen at least some of what I can do, so...I'm willing to give it a try. However - I can't start any new projects until I wrap up a bunch of holiday stuff, and I have a tattoo design that I need to work on for lastrega first. I'll happily discuss what you guys are looking for in the meantime, though.

I admit I like the challenge. And it will be good practice for the comic I want to draw. :)


joereaves December 25 2008, 23:59:45 UTC
we're still arguing over which character/characters :D Considering our first thought is well all of them lol. We're trying to decide who we like best. I'm pretty certain Warren will be on the list. He's a five year old in our universe. I'm not sure what we decided. You'll have to find a time when you, me and Lucas can get into a chat and see what suits all of us.


verito295 December 29 2008, 02:25:05 UTC
My offer of bribing by cookies still stands and I'd like to add all sort of baked goodies since I got a mixer for Christmas :D


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