Back to the Grindstone. Ugh.

Aug 28, 2008 14:24

Shocking as it is, I didn't miss work at all while on vacation. I find I miss it even less on returning. :P
Thankfully, the flist comes through with distractions. Snagged from

Post the first line from your 25 most recent fanfics and try to find a pattern.

Instead of looking at fic, I went through my fan poetry. Since my first line is often just a couple of words, I snagged everything up to the first period/ question mark.

1) Gerard’s dreaming,

Only half-asleep.

2) No matter what he says to Sawyer,
Jack is glad for helmet laws.

3) Key and cuffs click
open in harmony as
the wing shears away.

4) Frustration streams upward, 
steam curling in chill air.

5) The first thing
God created was the pen,
that he might record
Creation’s order.

6) Hand
palm flat
against curved glass.

7) Low, continual buzz
of needles darting in,
marking Dean's flesh
with hornet toned

8) Your hands 
fist around 
worm between 
stones mouthed smooth, 
calluses searching out 
the toothy edge.

9) You enter in, the low mutter expected.

10) Fingers
clutch the wood, rounded
handle worn and
an echo of other tools
whip butt
pistol grip
this, just a
spike of steel,
meant for frozen duty.

11) Golden consolation
the second place
award, liquid fire on his tongue
as she walks out the door.

12) He lived in the margins,
hidden in white paper
sun-bleached, long past the brush
of fingers... the ghost turned

13) Percussion of descent;
pebbles patter
plink and roll
cry treachery under
his soles.

14) Hooded in night,
firelight reveal
of jaw and chin,
Strong curves softened
by stubble.

15) Fingers flex
and sink into tan,
into white
indentations from past
possessions linger.

16) Grief tastes

like grape Popsicles left in the
sun too long, don't you

17) An empty jar has no meaning

For most, just more

rubbish destined for abandonment.
18) Sky:

Cerulean above,

the weeping bowl spills over.
19) Gil Grissom follows simplicity -

The least resistant path.

He checks, re-checks

Copper in his pocket

Coins in the Impala’s ashtray

One in his bag

One in Sam’s pack

Two with his Dad.
21) Birds are easy.

22) slipping fingers in the cracks between

reaching under the door

around the juncture of

broken and eroded

he hangs on.

23)Coin slip
between thumb and forefinger.

24) Blackberry bite

Jack is drunk on taste

slick slide

of lips,

tongue, teeth


25) Scissors

heavy in hand,

he passes them over

no reluctance betrayed

in release.

This doesn't tell me anything new - I've an obsession with hands and fingers, and mouths, tongues, lips. there's a decent amount of action/ movement/ noise in my verse. I had a brief love affair with second person POV. My love of alliteration, on the other hand, just continues to grow.

ETA: A bit of added fun - a fandom count! Bandom - 1; Buffy - 1; CSI - 1; Indiana Jones - 1; Lost -15; Sandman [crossover] - 1; Supernatural- 4 ; Sylum [multi-fandom] - 1; U2 -1. Which... isn't really a good sampling of what I have kicking around.

For fun, I culled these down to just the first lines, even if it was just a word.

Gerard’s dreaming, 
No matter what he says to Sawyer, 
Key and cuffs click 
Frustration streams upward, 
The first thing
Low, continual buzz
Your hands 
You enter in, the low mutter expected.
Golden consolation
He lived in the margins,
Hooded in night,
Percussion of descent;
Fingers flex
Grief tastes
An empty jar has no meaning
Gil Grissom follows simplicity -

He checks, re-checks
Birds are easy.
slipping fingers in the cracks between
Coin slip
Blackberry bite

And that will be the only time you see Gerard Way, Sawyer and Gil Grissom in a single poem shaped thing. :D

It's a little unnerving, seeing how far back I had to dig for poetry. You'd think I wasn't writing or something...

writerly, me and me, yammering me, another working stiff

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