PSA: Why heellloo, Mercury Retrograde!

Jun 14, 2007 23:50

Once again, that quicksilver planet has slipped on its cosmic banana peel. Yup... Mercury Retrograde begins tomorrow, at 5:40 PM MDT.

The summer retrograde ends at 8:16 PM MDT on July 9th.

And permit me to re-cycle the explanatory bit from my previous post on the fun:


For those wondering what I'm talking about... here's one take on the phenomena, complete with the rest of this year's retrogrades.

Things I've seen go awry doing Mercury retrogrades: cell phones, computers, automobiles... most things both electrical and having to do with transportation or communication like to have mysterious problems that crop up during this cycle. Answering machines like to lose messages, and messages in general like to get lost. Contracts tend to get delayed now too - it's not the time to buy a car, start a new job or buy a house.

This is also the best time for arguments to spin out of control, as people have a more difficult time understanding one another. Whether you believe in the effectiveness of astrology, I can say that some of the most vicious - and unnecessary  - fights I've had in my life have been during Mercury retrogrades. SO... take a breath and *wait* to push send on that angry email or rant- tastic post. You'll be glad you did, trust me. If you're feeling like people aren't understanding what you're saying... you're prolly right. I think the biggest lesson of Mercury Retrograde is patience. Well, that and the importance of having a sense of humor.

The other thing I've found is that *knowing* about Mercury Retrograde helps lessen the impact. Thus - this PSA. :D


I don't have much to add to that, aside from big heaping armfuls of luck. :)

brand new day

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