Poem: Ambient Light, John Winchester [SPN]

Jun 09, 2007 12:10

Happy Birthday

Have a pressie!

Title: Ambient Light
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: John Winchester; Sam and Dean Winchester
Prompt used: The quest for color and light. I dunno if you even remember giving me this prompt back at the end of *Feburary*, Lou. This bit has been cooking for quite some time... and ended up envoking thoughts of spirit photography. :)
A/N: For
gottalovev's birthday. Joyeux anniversaire, Lou !  I hope you have a marvelous day and a stupendous year. :D *toasts*


Ambient Light

palm flat
against curved glass.

Sorrow makes you
careless, leaving traces
of your self behind
a manual map
delta fan of skill
captured in translucence.

If reason remained
one of your possessions,
you would
wipe the window down,
leave a mystery
smeared, impenetrable.

But your belongings are meager.

Even this breath
is borrowed.
All you own is will
clutch of memory
tied with fraying string.

You can’t stay,
cannot stay away.

In the morning,
Sam will see
the handprint
on the Impala’s windshield.
wipe it free, wishing
he could bring 
clear lines of sight
elsewhere with such ease.

Sam sees the traces,
but only Dean
could read the coordinates.

 *smooches the birthday gal*

my poetry, writing: supernatural, brand new day

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