Happy Birthday
Bright and shiny blessings, sweet star woman! Happy day, happy year, happy *life* to you! The world is a cheerier, more joyful place because you are in it - honestly, your Birthday should be declared an International holiday. Martiday, which is all about squee and joy and love. Oh, and cake of course. :D
Okay, so I don't currently have any especial birthday poetry for you, but I do have a handful of stellar /lunar poems. Imagine them a bouquet of poetic Star Lilies okay?
My Star by Robert Browning
Evening Star by William Blake
[okay, so this one is a little heavy on the 'thy' s, but I thought it was somewhat romantic... *smooches the birthday girl*]
Falling Stars by Rainer Maria Rilke
I'm terribly fond of this one.
Man-Moth by Elizabeth Bishop
This one isn't a *star* poem, though the moon is referenced in it. It's one of my favorites poems... I recommend reading it aloud. ;D
Don't think this is the only thing you're getting though. Because it's not. *looks shifty*
Have the best of birthdays, sweet thing! I love you!!!