Oct 10, 2001 22:36
um. i discovered today that as time goes on i actually have gotten worse at archery... go figure. on a happier note, i got my gpa from guidance last week, it's a 3.9, and i'm ranked 11th in our class, go me. ~waves flag of triumph~ it seems i'm still not good enough though, when i gave my progress reports to my dad he's like "your worst subject is English again, huh?" and I have a 90 in English. So I suppose no day is complete without degrading my hard work... Anyway. i think matt is mad at me because i punched him on the bus, but he deserved it because he called tom an asshole. anyone who calls any of my friends an asshole deserves to be punched. :D tiff thinks that matt thinks that i'm too violent or something. heh heh heh...
i saw A Knight's Tale today!!! i love it. tiff didn't like it but i liked it a ton, especially paul bettany. can't wait to see him in A Beautiful Mind. And i also enjoyed Robbie Williams' music video for We Are the Champions, i find it amusing that he copied the original queen video, too. and in continuing the Godfather weekends saga, rented Part II this weekend (actually it was monday and tuesday because we didn't have school). I love that one. I think I like it better than the first one because of Robert DeNiro... whatever. now i'm just rambling...
The Word of the Day is:
tr.v. re