Sep 25, 2001 21:40
Recently, I was in the shower, when I had a revalation. Before now, the Word of the Day had no real purpose aside from the fact that it expands you people's vocabulary. But now, I've decided to add a little friendly competition into it. In my constant attempts to not only expand my friend's horizons, but to also attract as much attention to myself and/or my journal, this contest will require you to not only be smart, but to read my journal every day and be constantly on your toes for updates. ~grins~ So here's how it works: I post the Word of the Day every day (except for weekends, because there is no Word of the Day on weekends), and the first person to use the Word in a sentence gets 5 points. And you can only enter once a day. Bwa ha ha, I'm a genious. Nobody has to participate in the game if they don't want to, but I have a feeling it will be hard to resist. So, with no further ado, here is today's WORD OF THE DAY:
A knapsack.
And since I forgot, yesterday's Word was:
n. pl. din