Will Edit for Food (posted on behalf of peskipiksi)

Jun 29, 2012 08:08

Originally posted by moonwolf23 at Will Edit for Food
Originally posted by mageoflamancha at Will Edit for Food
Originally posted by peskipiksi at Will Edit for Food
Originally posted by cfchica at Will Edit for Food
This month has been brutal. Albert's expenses from the past two weeks plus a couple of missed days of work(boss out of office) so things really suck right now. Big time. A crunching of the numbers shows that I'm not gonna make ends meet. My folks are equally tapped out.

I am willing to edit anyone's written piece in exchange for a donation. It's about the only skill I have to offer since I'm not very creative otherwise. I will line-edit and proof any essay, short story, term paper, web content, you name it. Trying hard to stay afloat. It sucks to have to ask for help.

To add insult to an already-injured wallet, one of my job locations will be closed for two days next week, and my other boss will be taking some vacation days next month with his family; since he won't be in the office, I will not need to come in. He expects to be gone for about 3-4 workdays.

I will be having a yard sale alongside a neighbor this Saturday, but there are no guarantees my stuff will sell; people around here are used to designer sample sales and estate sales...no shit. Life by the sea! EBay is out of the question for now. I have textbooks listed for sale on Amazon, but no takers so far.

I contacted some agencies here in Orange County that offer rental assistance. Unfortunately, they will only help if the tenant has a Notice of Eviction in hand. I do not want it to get that far; once a person gets that far they are also on the hook for court costs and filing fees.  Other agencies will only help families. Albert and I do not meet their definition of "family." My food stamp application is making its way through the maze that is Social Services here in OC.

Sooo...if you have anything that needs a once-over or some editing/proofing, shoot it in my direction in Word format. There is a Paypal button on my profile, and you can send your piece to be edited to editsbyelaine at yahoo dot com.

Thank you and (insert name of deity of choice here) bless.
Elaine & Albert

(Repost button added by request)
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