Some highlights.
1) Well, thanks to
eastpath I now know what happened on the bridge yesterday.
A garbage truck caught fire. There's a video included in the link.
2) On my way to the Hydro building to pay our bill, I came across a huge crowd of people in the little square in the middle of the City Hall complex. They were watching -- I kid you not -- a group of folk-dancing policemen. Man, were those feet flying! Video:
Click to view
3) The mobile vet came, examined our cats, and ate some raspberry jelly roll with a cup of coffee. Mina is healthy as a horse, but 2 pounds overweight; he detected some wheezing in her breathing and advised us to cut down on her food, which we'll be doing immediately. He also gave her her shots.
Emmie is healthy overall for her age (13), but her right shoulder is arthritic, as is her lower back. Poor baby! She was in moderate pain when the vet rotated her shoulder, and he estimates that her pain under normal circumstances is probably slight. He gave us some
glucosamine capsules, which include an additional element whose name I can't quite remember, and told us to give her the contents of one capsule once a day in wet food. She also has a spot of gum disease at the base of her upper left canine, so we'll have to pick up a kitty toothbrush and some toothpaste for her. He didn't give Emmie any shots because of her age; our main concern, distemper, is apparently something that cats develop an immunity to as they get older.
When we told him that we'd been told by the Corydon Animal Hospital vet that Mina has incipient cataracts, he had us catch her again so that he could examine her eyes. In his opinion, they're perfectly fine. Hopefully he's correct in guessing that someone had an "overactive imagination" when making the previous diagnosis.
4) George and I just finished having dinner, so now I'm going to jump back on the MM project and lay color guides onto as many pages as I can (the final step before recreating the color). I hope to get them all done this evening.