Another boring day, brought to you by Chuu! :D

Aug 06, 2003 23:37

"If I can't be forgiven, then everything can disappear
The sadness and the pain, to the world that doesn't need anything"
I love those lyrics. Gackt, you're a genius. Period.
I can't wait until school starts up again...This summer being-alone-all-the-time thing is getting old, well, okay, it got old a long time ago. I wanna see Kent, John, and...even Richard ;_; It's so fucking BORING here every day after day after day after day of doing n.o.t.h.i.n.g...
Today all I did was digitally ink that cutsie SD Reffie pic I did a little bit ago (and failed miserably coloring it) for the new TRE layout. Also, I started on one of those quizzes.
And I slept and played Jak And Daxter...but mostly slept. Why? Because:
1) I was bored
2) Troubled/worried over something
3) Boooored
4) Because I was troubled I really...didn't feel worth anything
5) bored o.o
6) Thus those thoughts clouded my head
7) b.o.r.e.ddddd
8) And henceforth, everything else seemed useless o_o
No pressure, REALLY!!! Take your time. Just call me before I leave next Wednsday, you stupid hormone obsessed teen person, so I can give you my aunt's phone number!!
Oh and to other people...forget the fucking argument. It's over. Stop whining about it uselessly because I'm not going to reply. I've had my say and I'm done, and I'm not going to waste anymore time with these useless, childish arguments. I have better things to do then to participate in that shit. Say all you want, but it won't change my mind.
I'm done with it all.
Quote Of The Day:
TwitchieReffie: he's lost boobtouching privilages for another month >>;
SutekiDestiny: hahaaha!
SutekiDestiny: That dummy
SutekiDestiny: *keke* ~Me and Lina in an AIM convo. Yes, youknowhoyouare, this applies to you >D Why? CALL ME AND FIND OUT *cackles insanely and walks off*
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