How to Handle Changing Client Behaviors and Rising Expectations

Jun 19, 2019 12:35

With the advent of technology and its use for effective business communication, everything moves at a fast pace. You have to keep strategizing on how to get clients for your business. And these clients now demand more in their interaction with companies at every level.

Whether you are a coach, consultant, realtor or any type of service business owner, clients expect you to move with the trend. According to global web index, 66% of clients expect appropriate response to their inquiries about a product or service on the same day- while over 40% expect it within the hour

Where did all the patience go?

From service packaging to quality and down to delivery, clients want only first class experience. A failure on your part to do that, and they will dump you for your competition in a heartbeat.

As a service based business, how can you get new clients and stay afloat and meet up with these top-of-the-chart changing clients’ demands?

The plan is to be 2 steps ahead of your clients.

What is your strategy to getting ahead of your clients?

We have put together steel strategies that we applied in our business, that have proven successful with outstanding results- which we will share with you below.

Innovate, be updated and give the best new experiences to clients

Always think out of the box. You may render stellar services, but are they the best in your industry? Can you favorably compete with the best businesses? Clients will steadily compare the experience they get from you with the competition. The world does not revolve around your services alone.

Beyond offering the best services, how does it add value to your customers and how well does the service align with your business? Be innovative, but endeavor that your innovation matches your clients’ needs and aligns with your business objectives.

Invest in updating yourself with the current marketing and servicing techniques in your market. Find what works for you or your business and apply to the letter.

Clients have gone past paying for just a service; they pay for the experience they get too. They take how the business engages them along with the service they get. The way they feel is what determines if they will return or dump you for your competition with a better service.

Client experience is an inevitable marker in business growth, as we now live in the age of experience. As a service business owner, get your head out of the clouds, put on your thinking cap, and get relentlessly innovative.

Give your clients the best and updated experiences that they can’t get even with the biggest businesses. Match with only the best. This way, when clients compare their experiences, they’d be missing nothing, even while working with you.

Give clients a lasting emotional experience

To get new clients is one thing, another is giving them an experience to remember.

Taking control of your clients’ emotion is vital, because they are the core of your business. If you can do this successfully, it will influence client attitude, loyalty and recommendations. This will ultimately drive your conversion rates higher and bring in increased revenue- the target of every business person!

Forget the well-rehearsed lines and dig into the depths of your client. If they don’t get an emotional connection and subsequent relevant experience, every other thing is drama and surface dressing.

Like a band aid ripped off a wound, the scales will fall off from their eyes in no time and they won’t get satisfaction from your services anymore. This is when you see them seeking satisfaction elsewhere.  Connect to the most basic needs of your client, which are their emotions. It influences every other decision associated with patronage.

This entails solving your client’s real life problems in a uniquely personalized way, leaving a lasting impression that is trademarked to your business. Get real insights into your clients’ deep needs and what they expect… and then, make your services relevant to those needs.

This is something that is signatory to you, which they cannot find anywhere else. They will always come back for some more of that experience. Clients are not satisfied with just getting a service and going their ways anymore. They cherish an emotional experience that borders on great service delivery.

They want to connect on a more basic level. They want to feel as if they are part of something bigger… and they are ready to get that emotional experience from anyone who offers it. Your clients should always get the best and relevant content of your business, as at when due, through the right channel in an engaging and user friendly format.

Deliver your business in a personalized and valuable way

The mainstay of your business is the onus to create a chart course or mode of operations that is unique to your business….With each facet of operations independently able to deliver where necessary. This will drive a positively dramatic, compelling and distinguished experience for clients who work with your business.

Get innovative and updated on current trends; apply them in a way that amplifies the merits of your business by offering clients a distinct service that is richer, lasting and more relevant.

Handle each client as though they are the only client on your service. Personalize your service to them, instead of using the same template for all. In business, one size does not fit all.

Every client is unique, and as such, handle each of them uniquely. Give them a personalized client experience and not make them feel as if they are one out the thousands. This makes them feel important, heard and taken seriously.

Business personalization is very important as it benefits the client and you in the long run- but if relevance is missing, it won’t satisfy your clients for too long.

Personalization is not the core of it all, but a bolt in the wheel of total clients’ satisfaction. It is just one really important component of the whole answer.

Master the dynamics of clients’ satisfaction…

Remember, while you aim to get dramatic outcomes with all the fail proof measures and strategies you have put in place, it takes more than expertise to have a client malleable. We are emotional beings and we respond as such.  Simply create a work rhythm with these steps; always stay ahead of your clients with the necessary tools and you will be able to match your clients rising and changing demands.

If you need our support with implementing this in your business, schedule a breakthrough call here.

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