Poetry Fishbowl Report for April 5, 2016

Apr 15, 2016 21:41

This month's theme was "Changing Society from Within."  I worked from 12:30 PM to 4:30 AM, so about 14 hours allowing for breaks.  I wrote 10 poems on Tuesday and another 13 later in the week.

Participation was good, with 52 prompts on LiveJournal and another 31 on Dreamwidth.  Please welcome new prompters DW user Alatefeline and The Magp'cat Duchess of Filkhaven.  You have them to thank for the second freebie.

Read Some Poetry!
The following poems from the April 5, 2016 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:
"Against His Own Shield"
"The Backbone of Society"
"Confusing to the Ear"
"Four Boxes"
"Golden and Fair"
"The Most Misunderstood People"
"Only the Messenger"
"Out of This Dull World"
"The Right People"
"Things No One Can Imagine"
" When Someone Is Vulnerable"

" The Texture of Our Relationships" (Polychrome Heroics, 2/2/16 Fishbowl)
"The Light Inside" (Polychrome Heroics, March 2016 Creative Jam)
"To See by Hero-Light" (Polychrome Heroics, January 2016 Creative Jam)
"What You Like Doing Best" (Polychrome Heroics, March 2016 Creative Jam)

Buy some poetry!
If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, see the unsold poetry list for April 5, 2016. That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available.

All currently sponsored poems from this session have been posted.  There were five donors this time:  janetmiles, DW user Capriuni, DW user Alatefeline, Anthony and Shirley Barrette.  Please welcome new donor DW user Alatefeline.

The Poetry Fishbowl made its $200 goal, so "To See by Hero-Light" is the free epic.  This was the third tally for the $250 goal, so there will be a bonus fishbowl on Tuesday, April 19 in An Army of One.

The Poetry Fishbowl project also has a permanent landing page.

reading, cyberfunded creativity, weblit, poetry, writing, fishbowl

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