An Update

Jan 18, 2016 10:50

It's been a while since I updated here, so I thought it was about time I did. 2015 was a difficult year in many ways, and it wasn't until the end of the year I really started thinking about how to make changes for the better, which is what I ended up doing a lot of. EU VAT is still an issue for me. Being in the EU makes it more worrying, and that meant finding way to work around it that worked for me as a writer. Fortunately I've come to several conclusions about the way I write the best that mean this year should, I hope, be a lot better.

My plans for this year include finishing stories I've already started, because I have far too many of them. If you have any specific stories you want to see finished toss something into the tip jar and it will go to the top of the list. So far I have three finished, I'm working on several others, and so it seems to be going well. My reward system does help - for every two stories I complete I permit myself to start something new, although with this I always make certain that's a finished story. At my personal journal I've talked a lot about how each story is a chapter in something bigger.

From February I plan on restarting work on the Case of the Counterfeit Enchantments. When I originally started it the entire story was meant to be 40,000 words long, because I hadn't planned on the characters taking over as much as they have. This month I'm going to be working on splitting the story into more parts, in order to make it simpler for me and for anyone who's reading it, as I'm already far about the 40,000 word target and I know I still have a lot to go.

Finally I've updated my sponsorships page. As I'm not going to be posting anything unfinished this year I wanted the sponsorships to reflect that, so instead of using word count I've changed it to stories. This does mean each one is more expensive, but I'm aiming for someone who, for example, sponsors me for a year writing one story a month to have 36,000 words of story written for them, in order for the stories to be their natural length. When I'm writing like that some are naturally shorter and some are naturally longer.

The goal for this year, currently, is £300 a month earned from the original fiction I post at the website. I'm hoping that having more finished stories will make that a simpler process. Once I'm a little more sorted I'm planning on going back to having prompt session, which will be working differently to the ones before, and focusing again on what's important to me.

weblit, project update, writing

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