Back to Crowdfunding

Jul 25, 2015 20:01

Although there are still certain things I can't do, thank you EU VAT laws, I am once again crowdfunding at my website. I can't offer any pre-written stories for sponsorship, unfortunately, so I need to decide what to do with everything I've already written, but I am offering newly written continuations for anything posted, for £3.00 per 1000 words. My commissions for newly written stories are a little more expensive, because they work differently to the continuations. Collection ebooks are available for free download and all donations are gratefully received. They're going to be updated at least once a year, when I'm back to writing normally.

Navigation has been changed a little. I'm doing my best to make it all as simple as possible. Unfortunately crossposting is now impossible, as no one's been updating the plug-ins, but I do have RSS feeds. They're posted at the website.

Recently a lot has happened. There's been death, we've moved into the annex, I have an office, and I'm now the main breadwinner. We're still getting to where we want to be, but I'm sure it's going to happen. At the moment my focus is on making my original fiction one income stream - because I know I can't rely on the ghostwriting. My goal is £300 a month, which I'm hoping to reach by the end of the year, as I have a lot of plans to be working on. I just hope August is a little easier than July has been.

project update

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