Sea Monster Month at Torn World, Mini-coloring book, Next Sketch Fest!

May 04, 2015 10:21

May is Sea Monster Month at Torn World!

Every year, we celebrate a month of the big ocean dwellers in this shared world platform. You have just a few more hours to join in our kick-off Muse Fusion:

Bring prompts, and our artists and writers will create something just for you! Your prompts can be generic, if you aren't familiar with the setting, or specific to the Torn World monsters:

I'm doing a personal Sea Monster crowdfunded project - a Sea Monster Mini-Coloring Book!

I'm making an 8-page half-sized coloring book (8.5 x 5.5) of sea monsters, both serious and silly. We've made our goal for getting a print copy - PDF copies start at just $2, and are included in every sponsorship package. Further stretch goals include more pages, bookmarks, and professional printing (which will ensure stock for future sales)!

I am promising sea monster sketches for the next 13 prompters at the Muse Fusion, so get those in swiftly!

And, the May Sketch Fest is on the calendar for May 14-16. Join us for 48 hours of creative sketching!

(June's Sketch Fest is tentatively scheduled for June 12-14!)

torn world, projects, crowdfunding, fishbowl, cyberfunded creativity, call for prompts, fantasy, art

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