New Project: Bingo Card Generator

Jan 15, 2014 12:56

Dreamwidth user Magibrain has a bingo card generator for creative inspiration. You can use this to make customized cards using your favorite motifs, which you can play in the Dreamwidth community Allbingo if you wish. The menu offers a whole bunch of premade prompt lists for plot, characterization, setting, etc. and there are also lists for non-writing things like music and art. (Some of these are ones that I made, which have been uploaded for everyone to enjoy.) Click the list(s) you want and the prompts appear in a box so you can edit them. You can also put in your own lists from scratch. The generator then produces a card complete with image and code.

This project now has a donate button at the bottom of the page. If you find the tool useful, please consider tipping the codewriter.

I think that the bingo card generator is a terrific addition to the "Other Project" category of crowdfunding. It's also one of several things I've seen recently that come from people writing code for fun to produce things helpful to other creative folks. This is a trend I'd like to see flourishing. Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing are already influences in the programming field. If we encourage this by promoting, using, and sponsoring the projects then we'll have a higher chance of getting more goodies.

projects, cyberspace theory, writing

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