Giveaway and Blog Tour

Aug 26, 2013 14:56

Ever since I started crowdfunding I've tried to be a little different to the rest. The market I entered is competitive, so if I want to earn a living I know that I need to be. Fortunately I've been lucky enough to find myself helping out with the doggy day care that my landlords run, which means that I can take my time once more to get people interested in what I do, rather than being total focused on trying to make my website profitable right now. (James has his CT scan on the 29th and should get his results on the 6th of September, which might mean we find out more about what's causing his painful medical issue or it could be utterly pointless. With all these tests I feel very lucky that the NHS does exist, even though it isn't perfect, because I dread to think how much all the tests, appointments, and pills would have cost in the US.)

With my new aim in mind I'd like to offer free character adoptions and setting rentals to anyone who's interested, even if you've already had a freebie (although I'd prefer it if you could go for a different character or setting than you had before), and if you signal boost this offer publicly or to someone you think might be interested you can double the word count, add another character/setting, or get a second adoption/rental (to start at the end of the first) - just tell them to let me know who it was that sent them.

The basic freebie is either a 1 character adoption of 2000 words running for six months or a 1 setting rental of 2000 words running for six months. With the boosting bonus it is possible to go up to the top offer for both of the adoption (3 characters, 4000 words a month, for six months) or the rental (3 settings, 6000 words a month, for six months). Plus, taking part in any giveaway will mean you can get a purchased adoption or rental for half price.

I'm also looking for more stops on my blog tour - the fourth story was posted here - so if you'd be interested let me know.

weblit, free stuff, fantasy, fiction, writing

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