Update: August 2013

Aug 03, 2013 10:36

It would be nice to have good news for a chance, but right now it feels like James and I are stuck in a very big hole with no way out. He had an ultrasound on Wednesday, which didn't show anything unusual, and yet he's still in massive amounts of pain (yesterday was awful), which is making him depressed, he's having trouble with his appetite, and everything is worrying him. We don't know when he'll be able to get back to work and that's not helping. A couple of days ago he was scared he might lose his job because he's been off for so long and then yesterday he was worried he wouldn't be able to work again because the pain isn't fading.

For those who might be interested the specialist - a urologist - said it was prostititus. Hence the antibiotics. It wasn't until after the ultrasound that I thought to look it up and now I'm a little worried too. There's a 25% chance the antibiotics won't work and that's if it is caused by an infection.  If it isn't... Basically we need to wait until Tuesday, when James has another appointment with the urologist, to see what he says, because I am desperately hoping there's something else that can be done. According to what I read he may need to be on the antibiotics longer, but as they aren't working very well now I just don't know if that's going to do any good.

To add to everything next month is September and, as we're on a four weekly payment schedule, we'll be paying the rent twice. That means we'll be paying nearly £800 in rent. James' sick pay doesn't cover £380. So what I need right now is help. If you have anything to spare, please toss it into the tip jar at my website, and if you don't every signal boost is appreciated. I'm starting my blog tour this month, so hopefully that will help too.

news, weblit, writing

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