Rent day...

Jul 28, 2013 16:56

It's just over a week until rent day and it looks like James will be off work for another week at the very least. He has an ultrasound on the 31st, but there are no guarantees it will tell us what's wrong, and he can't stay on antibiotics much longer, because it seems like they're making him feel unwell. That's not really a surprise after him being on them for a month and ten days, so far, and he has another twenty days to go. What I want to be able to do is help with the rent, especially as in September we have two days in the month when we pay rent (we pay every four weeks instead of monthly), so my aim is to get £100, at least, to be able to put towards the rent.

Every little really does help at the moment, because I have no idea how much longer James will be off, and the more I can put towards the rent and the groceries the better. I'm having a prompt session, beginning on the 30th of July, there's the sponsorable stories page, and I'd love to have some more people renting settings, adopting characters, and buying story bundles.

news, writing

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