Blog Tour

Jul 15, 2013 12:45

Would anyone like to host one of my stories on their blog or know someone who might? I'm looking to start a blog tour to get more readers, because I want to be able to help James more than I can right now, as he's still off work and right now there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. He's been on antibiotics for a month and he'll be starting his second month on Wednesday, because they aren't working as well as we'd hoped. At the end of the month he's going to have an ultrasound to see if anything else is causing the problem, but we have no idea when he might be able to get back to work, although we both keep hoping it will be soon.

What I'll send you is a new story, a link to the Beginner's Guide, and the download address of my crowdfunding brochure. I'm looking to post at one place a week for at least two months, but I'm hoping to find enough people who'd be happy to help for me to be able to have a six month tour.

I'm happy to host other writers and artists in return, even though I don't have a lot of readers right now.

weblit, networking, free stuff, community, writing

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