New Campaign: Cubism Is So Superannuated, a novella by Baba Yaga

Mar 17, 2013 03:41

Hello! Here to share my latest venture into the crowdfunding arena! It's quite terrifying, oh wow.

My IndieGoGo Campaign for the novella Cubism Is So Superannuated is now live! The story is about superheroes, as many tropes/cliches that I can fit in and still have fun, and some menacing mean man in the background. It's all very menacing. And mean.

Linked on the campaign page is the first five thousand words of the story, so anyone looking will know what they're getting into! It's all about knowing that, or so I'm told.

The funding is to go for editing services -- lots.. of editing services.. -- a (pawnshop special) laptop that isn't going to die like the one I've got, and to pay my webhosting bill that has all the needed self-published webauthor platform stuff.

I'm an experienced author who hasn't tried very hard to be published the traditional route due to the length of my projects. They're always novellas. It's tragic, is what it is. My intention is to start publishing on Smashwords, but well, editing. It costs money. And I haven't got any, hah.

Please have a look if this appeals, and if you can, contribute! Or tell your friends, I'll take either, to be perfectly honest :)

projects, science fiction, fantasy, fiction, writing

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