Torn World Update: Muse Fusion this Weekend and Big Storyline Release

Feb 22, 2013 08:49

Torn World has been updating regularly since the beginning of 2010, which makes for quite an incredible collection of fiction, poetry, artwork and metafiction. It has, however, been a little on the haphazard side, making it difficult to jump into and get started.

2013 has already seen some refinements - not only in our site, but also in our story. In January, the three year Rails project finally wrapped up - this series is a romance/intrigue, with blackmail, murder and betrayal. Lalya and Dini continue their adventure through the tangled social and bureaucratic hurdles of changing gender for love. Jrilii and her age-mates discover new land and wild snow-unicorns as Wild Snowy Chase begins its exciting conclusion. ysabetwordsmith is releasing Sqiggles: Excerpts from Nleimen's Journal once a week.

And perhaps most momentously, we're beginning a steady release of the Big Storyline of the world - the introduction of the isolated Northern culture to the sprawling, steampunk-flavored Empire to the south. Watch our Livejournal community for weekly installments every Monday - plus bonus Friday episodes when we receive 20 or more comments at the site (on any artwork, fiction or poetry)! Additionally, we have a Tuesday spotlight on something from the archives, a Wednesday Handbook article on some metafiction topic, and a Thursday character spotlight.

It's a great time to get started as a reader, or as a contributor!

And if you're looking for a way to dip your toes in, join us this weekend for the February Muse Fusion!

Bring title or phrase prompts, questions, characters you want to see more of, topics of interest... and see what our creators come up with.

projects, call for prompts, news, weblit, call for submissions, creative jam

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