Hal's Nightmare

Nov 09, 2012 18:02

After writing Lior's Dream, I knew I wanted to write this from the other side - that of Lior's younger sister, Hal.

Contrary to her sister, I think Hal would have stayed, had she the chance. I'm posting this poem FREE, please in turn, consider visiting the main series page.

Hal's currently being played as a WoD character in an ongoing campaign, and is a twisted, complicated character in her own right. With the closing of the game's first arc, she's approx. 18, and has just learned there's more to her family birthright, as well as to herself; also. This poem takes place two years prior to that opening act beginning, hopefully shedding a bit of light into why Hal runs away. There's more - much much more, but as I play her, so too, am I learning her. The campaign, in turn, takes place ten years before the opening of The Scholar's Mate, where we first meet Lior.

If you like Hal, please consider sponsoring the poem "Knowledge's Price", which I originally wrote, in part, in commemoration of National Coming Out Day.

This poem crosses-over with Schrodinger's Heroes

Hal's Nightmare can be found via Dreamwidth or Livejournal.
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