Poetry Fishbowl Report for August 7, 2012

Aug 13, 2012 21:24

This month's theme was "modern myths."  I worked from noon to 3:30 AM, so about 13 hours 30 minutes, allowing for lunch and supper breaks.  It took a long time for any prompts to come in, then I got a surge midday.  I wrote 23 poems.  The length was distributed across all categories.  I had a mix of single and combined prompts going into the poems.  Most were free verse, but there were a couple of oddball forms like the four-dimensional poem and the " C.S. Eye" podcast script.

A total of 18 people sent prompts.  You have new prompter/new donor scribble_myname to thank for the second freebie poem.  This was another good month for enthusiastic crosstalk that generated poems; this is where a lot of the multiple-prompt poems came from.

Read Some Poetry!
The following poems from the June 2012 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:
" Back the Way(s) It Was"
" A Bug on the Wing"
" Chasing Mist and Dreams"
" Contemporary Crusaders"
" C.S. Eye"
" Enquiring Minds"
" Gods in Review"
" The Gods of Sheep and Machines"
" Inanna's Underpass"
" The Kitchen Goddesses"
" The Krakenwood"
" Rob in the 'Hood"
" This Is a Four-Dimensional Poem"
" Thorns of Light, Roses of Fire"
" What Makes a Hero"

" In the Line of Duty" (The Clockwork War)
" Pearls and Posies" (Fiorenza the Wisewoman) January 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam

Buy Some Poetry!
If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, read the list of unsold poems from August.  That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available.

All currently sponsored poems have been posted, and backchannel copies sent to the respective prompters.  All perks are qualified.  Per the $200 goal, " Pearls and Posies" is the free epic.  Per the $250 goal, that's a second tally toward a bonus fishbowl session.  Per the $300 goal, there will be a half-price poetry sale in Path of the Paladins running August 20-26.  The general fund poll for new poems is now open.

The donor perk this month is " Mythology and Mythos."  The August donors include: the_vulture, janetmiles, laffingkat, Shirley and Anthony Barrette, rix_scaedu, and scribble_myname.  Please welcome new donor scribble_myname.  Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm.

The Poetry Fishbowl project also has a permanent landing page.

projects, reading, poetry, writing, fishbowl

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