New Crowdfunding Project: "Bareback Ink"

Jun 23, 2012 21:00

I found "Bareback Ink" through a post over on asexuality which really excites me because it means folks are talking about crowdfunding in other venues, and more importantly, they are catching on to how crowdfunding can help creative people connect with niche markets serving topics that the mainstream ignores.

This play is about the relationship that develops between an asexual tattoo artist and a client. Okay, I have thousands of books in my house and I have not read this story before; I've seen very little that is even remotely like it. Allow me to gush about how incredibly awesome it is to find a story that new, that different. I don't care that it's a play and I'll probably never see it. I just care that somebody out there is breaking seriously new ground, and I want to encourage that.

projects, entertainment, networking, gender studies

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