New Petridish Projects

May 15, 2012 15:05

All three of these caught my eye, but of course I think the language one is the coolest.

Successful Education for Heritage Language Learners

Heritage language learners (HLLs) are students with a family language
different from the majority language. I will investigate a school that
has successfully integrated HLLs to uncover what methods are leading to
their success.

How the zebra got its stripes

How the zebra got its stripes is a mystery. I’m working to solve this
mystery by identifying the genes responsible for striping and
discovering what they can tell us about advantages that striping may
have for zebras

Carnivorous plants and the invisible predators inside

How do species interactions react to environmental changes? Microbes
living within carnivorous pitcher plants can help us find the answer,
if we develop good enough molecular tools to understand their

projects, cyberfunded creativity, science, networking

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