An Attack on the Arkh Project

Jan 25, 2012 21:32

The Arkh Project is building a video game featuring queer people and people of color as characters and designers. It has met the first funding goal for character design and is extending that campaign goal to keep the momentum going. JOB CREATOR!

This is a credible threat to the whitewashed gaming industry. Consequently someone complained about the campaign being discriminatory because it aimed to hire queer people and people of color. I find it very frustrating when advantaged people try to butt in to the very few places that are focused on less advantaged people.

If you are similarly displeased by this attack on job creation in the queer/chromatic community, consider protesting with a donation and/or signal boost for the Arkh Project. Let's make it clear that hiring project-relevant experts, and putting jobs into areas where people often can't find jobs, is a GOOD thing.

ethnic studies, cyberfunded creativity, networking, gender studies, activism

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