Job Creators in Crowdfunding

Jan 19, 2012 00:11

I was updating my list of  crowdfunding activities for 2012 and realized something interesting: I already have two projects marked "JOB CREATOR" and it's only January.  One is " The Bookstore That's Bigger on the Inside" where funds will go toward paying staff members, among other things.  The other is Plunge  webzine, in planning stages currently with a Kickstarter to open soon, and the job it's creating is mine as Line Editor.

In this lousy economy, people care a lot about creating jobs.  They might like to know if a crowdfunded project is doing that, and it might attract more donations.  So I'd like to encourage folks, when posting about their own projects or those they support, to include "JOB CREATOR" in the post.

cyberfunded creativity, economics

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