So. Sunday, I put out a
call for prompts (LJ post) on the theme of Gender, Sexuality, and how they can go funky (short title: Genderfunky Giraffes).
21 short and medium pieces later... I still have at least 4 prompts to go. O_O
Yesterday's summary is here (
or here)
My nearly-complete summary
is here.
While I am now closed for free prompts for this call, I am open to continuing any story at my general rate of $5/300 words. :-) I hope to finish the remaining prompts today.
This was a massive call in terms of prompts, but not very big in terms of dollars generated - $20, my lowest yet. It could be the pool has run dry, and it has been a very busy time for people doing free-plus. (Plus, I threw the call out 'cause I had writer's block, so I didn't plan ahead at all).
MASSIVE thanks to
YsabetWordsmith, who generated 9/10 of the traffic with her signal boosts.