Intro Post and Ancestor Anthology

Apr 07, 2011 20:58

 Hello, I am Sarenth.  I have been the Assistant Managing Editor of Rending the, an online occult e-zine, and one of the co-founders for The Pandoran Society, an eclectic Pagan spirituality group.  I have written for Rending the Veil and Witches and Pagans magazine, and regularly blog about my spirituality and experiences here.

I was recently inspired to begin work on an Ancestor Anthology, and I am interested in having a wide range of voices on it.  I was turned onto this group from a friend on my blog, and I am wondering if and how this community can help me out.  I still need a good number of writers, and any suggestions for the book are also welcome.  I'm rather new to the entire concept of crowdfunding, so any resources I could be pointed to would help as well.

The Call for Submission is listed below.

Publishing Company: Asphodel Press

Working Title: Calls to Our Ancestors

An anthology of prayers, poems, devotional pieces, essays, personal experience, and/or artwork in honor of our Ancestors. This anthology draws from a variety of sources and authors, and may include Ancestor worship with Gods, spirits and/or human Dead.

What is not desired: fanfic, ego-stroking, self-aggrandizement. It’s one thing if you believe you’re sired by a God/dess, it’s another to treat other humans as lower than yourself.

Word Length: 800 words minimum for essays. Long essays welcome and encouraged. Please submit with no specialized fonts, in .doc, .docx, or .rtf file format. Any devotional pieces, artwork, and other visual submissions need to be no less than 300 dpi, preferably .tiff or .png for lossless quality.

Contributors will not be paid for this contribution. This is a one-time publishing opportunity, so you retain all rights to your piece and can use it as you wish after publication.

All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to benefit a charity that benefits the elderly and/or Ancestors in some way, such as Cultural Survival. I am soliciting suggestions for charities to donate the proceeds to.

Any contributors need to give their legal names and addresses in the email for a release form for their work.

The deadline for submissions is June 2nd, 2011 at 11:59pm, Eastern Summer Time (GMT-4)  [This may be extended if needed.]

Interested parties may email
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