2011 Rose & Bay Awards Followup Report & Discussion

Mar 21, 2011 14:29

The 2011 Rose and Bay Awards for excellence in cyberfunded creativity have now concluded.  Winners have been announced for Art, Fiction, Poetry, WebcomicOther Project, and Patron.  We are currently working on the certificates for winners.  You can read more about this project on the 2011 Rose & Bay Awards landing page.

Special Thanks To...These ( Read more... )

awards, cyberfunded creativity, discussion

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Thoughts ysabetwordsmith March 23 2011, 04:03:36 UTC
>>I agree that the R&B Awards needs its own website and resident coder who is paid to do the work.<<

We're working on ideas for these.

>>I also think it would encourage participation to offer prizes to the winners in each category.<<

I think so too.

>>However, I'd like to know what everyone thinks about running both fundraising efforts at the same time. Or do we wish to fund the website coding for basic features first and stock the prize kitty later? Or vice-versa?<<

I would rather not have those two projects overlap completely although they made overlap partially due to timing concerns. For the prizes, I think it would be better to do the collecting shortly before the award season rather than way in advance; so maybe November-December rather than spring or summer. The less time the funds/goods have to be held, the less chance of something going wrong.

For the hub site, ellenmillion is potentially willing to do the coding but only after some other projects are done. If that means, say, summer or early fall then there will be little or no overlap. But if it's late fall or winter before she can clear her schedule for the hub site, that's likely to put it atop the prize gathering.

I'd also like to see those projects handled by different volunteers. That will help keep them from tangling up. Also consider that while some people may wish to contribute to both, others may only be interested in one.


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