Art Crowdfunding Project, wih Poll!

Mar 17, 2011 21:39

My occasional crowdfunded art project, the 100 Sketchbook Retrospective, is preparing to issue the "Sketchbooks 71-75" edition, in which I collect all the art already available online from these five sketchbooks, with artist commentary, and give patrons a chance to sponsor new scans of sketches hidden in these books. You can vote in a general poll on what kinds of scans you'd like to see sponsored here, and also drop me a dollar or two to go towards those scans: $3 gets something new uploaded, and people pooling their $1 donations is perfectly acceptable!

Examples of the art from these sketchbooks already online:

This is the kind of thing that would get uploaded with patron dollars. Do come by and vote even if you aren't donating!
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