Weblit Hosts and Hubs

Feb 22, 2011 13:51

I want to collect a list of places where writers can publish and/or promote weblit such as online serials, novels, etc.  Note that "weblit" (fiction plus poetry, essays, and other creative writing) is a broader term than "webfic" (short stories, novels, and other fiction only).

These sites provide some kind of platform for posting and distributing content. They have an audience pool that consists of creators and readers, who look for weblit in a concise and consistent environment.

Digital Novelists
Sort of has a free option, but that doesn't include a listing on the DN site, so not much use.  There are two paid versions, one with ads and one without.  Original fiction with a focus on novels and serials.

Looks free, but the publically visible material seems aimed at readers far more than writers, so it's hard to judge what the upload process is like.  It also seems to discourage monetizing methods, specifically ruling out ads and subscriptions, though it doesn't mention donations.  Original fiction and poetry.

These sites do not provide content posting, but specialize in networking. Creators come to promote their work that appears elsewhere. Readers come to find material gathered from its many separate sources.

Covers a very wide range of online entertainment including weblit, webcomics, games, and more.  Offers articles, forums, recaps and previews, and other goodies.

Explores issues in reading, writing, and publishing fiction on the web.  Deep archive of articles on many aspects of webfic.

Web Fiction Guide
Lists free, original web fiction with a focus on novels and serials.  Does not accept fanfic or erotica.  Offers reviews, ratings, a forum, and other tools.  The related Top Web Fiction page is a running poll that shows the most popular items.

Focuses on marketing and promotion for online literature including short fiction, novels, serials, essays, memoirs, and more.  Forum, Twitter feed, resource page, and other tools.  Part of Digital Novelists network.

Social Networks, Blogs, and Other Stuff
These sites offer all different kinds of service.  Blogs can be used to publish and network weblit.  Social networks are mainly for promotion.





Twitter Hashtags

Do you know of any other hosts, hubs, or networking sites that are useful for weblit and similar crowdfunding projects?

cyberspace theory, cyberfunded creativity, weblit, networking

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