i miss direction most | in all this desperation

Nov 08, 2009 07:26

Characters: Anastacia Duval, TinTin, Snowy, Dairine Callahan, Spencer Reid
Rating: PG
Time Period: Modern.
Location: Sitting Room.
Relative Date: The day after the last killing after she sends out her universal message.
Status: Open to any.

Anastacia had been plugging away at the bowling alley, getting occasional help from others swinging by, and it was at least helping the days pass, help keep her mind busy.  But that really only worked most of the time.

She hung up the phone a bit numbly, having listened to the news about more killings.  She'd known there were dark things going on, but...

The worst thing was that she knew she couldn't not do anything about them.  Unfortunately, she had no idea where to begin.  In all her time, she'd never really met a vampire, and she still felt as if her police academy training was somehow insufficient.  She wanted to do something concrete, and she still remembered her conversation with Diana about how this place was lacking real leadership.  Maybe they could call a meeting of everyone who was interested in making this place into a community of sorts.

Well, that couldn't hurt really.  She was pretty certain that with the way people seemed to get busy or lost or distracted around here, she'd be lucky if three people showed up anyways.  But one could always hope.

And if she was good at anything, it was hoping.

snowy, tintin, spencer reid, gwen cooper, dairine callahan, anastacia duval

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