An 'Outstanding' in Acting is Very Useful

Jun 14, 2009 14:13

Characters: Tom Riddle and Alice MacLeod
Rating: PG
Time Period: Modern
Location: Castle
Relative Date: Day two from Tom's Arrival
Status: Active and Closed Finished.

Tom Riddle walked through the doors and scanned what he now believed to be a foyer of some sort. There were doors and stairs and nothing looked very interesting. He sniffed at the air and scrolled in. He decided to go up those damned stairs, watching his footing as he went. As he approched the top of the stairs, he looked up and scanned what was on this floor. More doors. To that, tom snorted and continued walking, searching for nothing in particular; except for his snake, the book and if anyone else was at this deserted looking place. Typical rich snobs would want a room to a day for the rest of their year backed in a big castle.

"Hello?" Tom said, keeping his voice light and kind.

It wouldn't help if he sounded gruff and annoyed, that would just make people flee- even though he did like the satisfaction in seeing someone much older run away as if their life depended on it.

A door opened from behind him. Tom slowly spun around to see just who dared to come out and play.

tom riddle, alice macleod

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