(no subject)

Mar 22, 2010 21:46

Characters: Ruby
Rating: PG-13 for Ruby's ... amazing manners.
Time Period: Modern
Location: Sitting Room
Relative Date: The evening of March 22nd, 2010.
Status: Open, Incomplete.

Going in, Ruby had a pretty good idea that this mysterious castle was going to be a trap, but she hadn't been able to reach Sam on his cell and she hadn't talked to him since he'd gone to find Alastair and Dean. Fucking angels. She hadn't, however, expected the helicopter to up and leave the moment they'd pushed her out of it and onto the castle's helipad. Mostly, she was just annoyed with herself for not seeing it coming, but that didn't stop her from spending a few minutes giving the sky a piece of her mind as the helicopter disappeared. Once it was barely a speck in the sky, she turned to make note of her surroundings.

By all appearances, the castle was older than she was. A staircase off the roof led her into a corridor that looked like it hadn't been updated in the past century and her face only grew more sour as she progressed through the hallways, not taking the time to appreciate the decor or paintings and rather trying all the doors that she could. After an hour or so of this behavior, she reached what looked to be a sitting room. There was a fire going, but it was all too eerily lived in for Ruby's tastes. Like some kind of freaky Stepford Castle. She ran a finger over an end table, holding it up to note that there wasn't any dust settled.

Taking time to examine the decorations now, she saw photo frames with pictures from various times and antiques that could be easily centuries old but looked brand new. Moving to the front of the fireplace, she crossed her arms over her chest, appreciating the picture above the mantle -- and by appreciating, it was more like being bored and disgusted by the picture above the mantle. Some dog, nothing that would help Ruby figure out where she was or who had chosen to strand her here.

"Someone's going to get their ass kicked," she muttered, mostly to fill the eerie silence that was otherwise broken only by the crackling fire, but partially to make herself feel better.

[ooc; Yeah, I'm ... reposting the same intro log. Don't judge me. Also, I am not afraid of cats, I promise.]

ruby, kara thrace

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