Hi, Eva! Thank you for your wonderful review and the praise! I'm glad you like this fic, and very ghlad the running in the wrong direction part and the fighting scenes worked!
I have just one little, little point of criticism here....I just love your dark spin-off - but I would also love to see more of the original Mael Gul Fic - when will we see the chapters about Morias Balrog and Lothlorien ? Forgive if I may unnerve you with my asking, I know the writing muses are sometimes ill-humored but I'm just so incredibly curious....
*Blushes in shame* Noted and marked. Unfortunately, snail-tempo is too fast a word to describe how my main story progesses; I seem to write myself from one plot problem to the next with every ten lines or so every second week. And I am still nowwhere near the point I wanted to reach. So, I am working on it; but it may yet take a while. Sorry!
Besides, since I'm at Live Journal too, may I ask you permission to add you to my friends list ? So LJ would keep me up to date and I would never miss it when there's a new chapter of your amazing written stuff...:)
Of course, you may! Friend away! I gladly will friend you back!
I have just one little, little point of criticism here....I just love your dark spin-off - but I would also love to see more of the original Mael Gul Fic - when will we see the chapters about Morias Balrog and Lothlorien ? Forgive if I may unnerve you with my asking, I know the writing muses are sometimes ill-humored but I'm just so incredibly curious....
*Blushes in shame* Noted and marked. Unfortunately, snail-tempo is too fast a word to describe how my main story progesses; I seem to write myself from one plot problem to the next with every ten lines or so every second week. And I am still nowwhere near the point I wanted to reach. So, I am working on it; but it may yet take a while. Sorry!
Besides, since I'm at Live Journal too, may I ask you permission to add you to my friends list ? So LJ would keep me up to date and I would never miss it when there's a new chapter of your amazing written stuff...:)
Of course, you may! Friend away! I gladly will friend you back!
Thank you again for your comment! -- Aislynn
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