
Jan 27, 2006 00:01


by Aislynn Crowdaughter
Rated: Very strictly adult.
Summary: Very dark A.U. Legolas slave fic. Mirkwood is a subjected realm and must give hostages to the other Elven realms as slaves. Legolas is the slave of Aragorn, who is a sadist. And to keep Legolas loyal to the Ranger, he is bound by a cruel spell: the Mael-Gûl

Disclaimer: The ( Read more... )

slash, Mael-Gûl, a/l, au, lotr

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Comments 28

Finally found your fic again anonymous May 1 2006, 18:51:29 UTC
I'm glad that I finally found your fic again :). I've been looking for it all over the net since the 2 sites u posted the fic in have gone down. 1 site just get a 'page cannot be displayed' message while the other only the main page is working, can go to any other section.



Re: Finally found your fic again crowdaughter May 3 2006, 17:13:38 UTC
Hi, abc! I'm glad you found your way here! Usually, I post here before I update at aff net or Mirormere, so you hit the best place! Thank you for your comments, and enjoy the ride!




Hi Aislynn firya_y July 16 2006, 23:41:35 UTC
I follow your story usually on Mirrormere, but then I find your livejournal here and I can't help to ask you a question.

I like your fiction and I adorn your effort to make all your characters and your AU setting reasonable, especially after I looked through some reviews. However, I still wonder why you chose to use the setting of Bound to write your 1st LOTR fiction at first. Do you like Bound so much that you dedicate this one to its author?


Re: Hi Aislynn crowdaughter July 17 2006, 00:38:47 UTC
Hi, Fifya_y,

thank you for the praise! Actually, I chose to write my story based on the setting of bound, because the setting fascinated me. I was interested in the original plot bunny of Cheysuli and followed the story Bluegold wrote, based on this bunny, but I was dissatisfied with especially one point of Cheysulis original setting, which Bluegold followed as requested by the original idea: That Aragorn should be portrayed as a real jerk and the evil guy, without any redeeming qualities. This was a requirement of the original bunny, but not a characterization I could rely to; and also, I always wondered why the Legolas in Bluegold's fic did not simply cut that Aragorn's throat, when Aragorn was portrayed in a way that even Elrohir and Elladan might have been willing to swear that it had been an accident. I started to think about how such a setting could work, and this was the beginning of Mael-Gul ( ... )


raphaha September 3 2006, 06:58:13 UTC
I want to say that I love your story. Bound was good also but I didn't like the end. It was to silly in my opinion.
I really love dark and angsty stories and hope you keep on writing Mael-Gul!!


crowdaughter September 6 2006, 21:02:42 UTC
Hi, Raphaha! Thank you for the praise! Rest assured that will continue my fic, although I have to struggle for each new line at the moment.Just some attack from writer's block mixed up with demanding Real Life... but, I a writing on this, and the next update is in the works. Promised! And it always helpes to know that there are people out there who actually wait to read more of my fic! :)

Thank you again for your praise, and Cheers! Glad to have you on board!



samtyr March 14 2008, 04:12:39 UTC
I just discovered your fic (being a newbie to LotR fandom) and I am totally fascinated by this particular AU. I have to admit though, that I am unable to access the link for "Bound". No idea why, it just doesn't work, which is a pity because I love seeing how spin-offs develop. I'm very interested in reading the rest of this AU you have developed.


so, daemerl is down? crowdaughter March 14 2008, 07:23:33 UTC
Hi, Samtyr! Thank you for your comment!

So, the daemel site is down, now? That is bad, especially since I first have to find out if there is a new site for the daemel archive, and then change the links in over fifty chapters of my story at five different archives. *Headdesk*

Anyway, if you want to read BlueGold's story "Bound", check out her profile at She has posted her story there, too. And I think it is posted also at the Mirrormere archive. The links to those archives should be available through my links page on this lj account.

Thank you for your kind comments!



Mael-Gul lancslass March 16 2008, 16:40:34 UTC
I sort of stumbled upon this little fic of yours, and wow, I've done no work and stayed up late to read it. I've got to chapter 37, and thought I would just take a peek at the last chapter, and it's not finished.

Can you tell me if you are going to continue, or have you got fed-up with it? I love it and would like you to finish it. Know each chapter is long and must take a lot of effort to write, but please carry on.

I'm no writer but I enjoy reading other peoples work. I have a lot of time to read, please don't give up on this
Thank you


Re: Mael-Gul crowdaughter March 16 2008, 16:55:57 UTC
Hi, Ali,

actually, the latest chapter has just been posted yesterday. So, while my writing has indeed slowed down a lot, I have every intention to finish this story and bring it to a satisfying ending. Welcome to the ride, and I hope you'll enjoy!


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