Mael-Gûl, 41/? - Temptations

Jun 21, 2006 13:22

by Aislynn Crowdaughter
Rating: NC-17 - strictly adult only!!!
Pairings: Aragorn/Legolas, Boromir/Legolas, Gimli/Legolas, Others/Legolas
Disclaimer: The universe I play in is not mine. J.R.R. Tolkien owns the characters, safe a few original characters in side roles. Peter Jackson owns the Movies. I borrow their creations without permission. I make ( Read more... )

slash, Mael-Gûl, a/l, au, lotr

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Lamiel anonymous June 23 2006, 04:53:21 UTC
Oh, how happy I am to see this updated again! I fear that I did not achieve my goal of posting before you did, but at least I am post Oral exams and writing again. That's something, anyway.

I love the way the Ring plays into your AU here. Of course Aragorn and Boromir are each tempted in different ways -- and other authors have done some excellent work exploring how that temptation might work -- but it has a unique twist in your world. That Aragorn would see the Ring as the key to saving Legolas is just a perfect, heartbreaking touch. Because of course we know that were he to take it he would only become more cruel and sadistic than ever -- the fantasy of FORCING Legolas to enjoy his torture is very telling indeed. But it is Aragorn's love and true nobility that makes him seek any solution to the problem of the spell -- and that is what the Ring is using against him here. Very, very well done.

So we are past Caradhras, just about, and Moria lies ahead! (Shivers in happy anticipation.) Oh, I am looking forward to that. Now I have just one question. Awhile ago you posted a possible 'alternate ending' to Mael-Gul on a listserve (I lurk shamelessly, it's how I found your LJ). Are you planning to post it here? I know that it isn't necessarily how you envision the story developing, but I did enjoy that little snippet and I'd like to read it again.

Thank you again for this delicious installment. I really do think that your writing improves with each chapter, and the story grows more complex and enjoyable by the day.


Re: Lamiel crowdaughter June 23 2006, 09:54:21 UTC
Hi, Lamiel!
I am glad to hear you have passed your Oral Exams - congratulations! And I look eagerly foreard to another chapter of "This Present Darkness"!

As always, you gift me with a thoughtful and close review. You are very right - would Aragorn give in to the temptation, he would all to soon lose all wish to free Mirkwood, or Legolas, or do all the other things the ring promised. But I hope, our Ranger is a little too keen to truly fall for all those sweet lies. We may still hope.

Awhile ago you posted a possible 'alternate ending' to Mael-Gul on a listserve (I lurk shamelessly, it's how I found your LJ). Are you planning to post it here? I know that it isn't necessarily how you envision the story developing, but I did enjoy that little snippet and I'd like to read it again.

Snort! Yes, I will probably post "Elessar's Heir" here, too, and soon. Just give me a few more chapters. We are not past the Door of Moria yet, and at the moment I'd like to keep us concentrated on the situation, not side-tracked by one of the possible futures. However, I do mean to share it here!

Thank you again for your praise, it means much to me, especially coming from a writer of your caliber!

Greetings to you ad Cheers,



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