Jun 04, 2006 15:43
not much has happened for me this week so i will tell you about last sunday instead!! (to keep this entry-hopefully!-from being dull).
luke and i had agreed to go to san diego last sunday with our friends evan and debra. they wanted to go to a flea market to look for stuff they could potentially re-sell for more profit on ebay, and there was supposedly a huge market in San Diego on Saturday and Sundays.
The market was incredibly huge and was in a semi-sketchy part of the city. (think the value village area of victoria but on a much larger scale). It was right outside of a huge old stadium that had disgusting bathrooms...side note: the stadium has it's own "walk of fame" inside with stars such as Tina Turner claiming tiles of the floor.
The market however was a blast. Evan found some trick gum and a trick pen (both shock you when you touch them). He bought them mainly so he could get our boss Eben, and also so he could get our secretary's annoying 4 year old, Shadow. I found a pair of sunglasses, a jade necklace, some hair detangler/scalp sunscreen/leave-in conditioner that smells like sunflowers, a cheap eyeliner pencil (not used...don't worry!), and an airsoft uzi. Luke bought a used book and an airsoft rifle and Debra bought a semi-automatic rifle...the whole team is loading up on airsoft guns and i think we'll have a battle this coming weekend. I'm so stoked...mine and debra's are the only guns that fire multiple shots...he he he:) Evan already had one.
The highlight of our market experience however, had to be the shirt scam.
There was this loud-mouthed black guy that was selling YMI imitation tank tops and claiming they were the real deal. He said he was selling them at a steal for $20.00. Debra totally had her eye set on this corset-like tank top but was a little thrown by the price. Evan was like "it's a market, you are allowed to bargain" and Debra was like "oh, i don't think I could do that" so Evan goes up to the guy and is like "We'll give you ten" and instead of bargaining with him, do you know what the booth guy did? He snatched the tank right out of his hands and said something about not doing business with him. But a while later, Debra was still thinking about the shirt so Evan said he'd try again but "I will not pay $20.00 for that shirt though". So he went back and this time tried to talk the guy into selling it for $15.00. But he wouldn't budge and sent Evan away. Debra REALLY wanted this shirt though, said she had been looking for something like this forever...and Evan still said "no, i'm sorry, he is ripping us off, plus, now my pride is at stake. I can't go back and buy this for $20!)
This is where i stepped in. Evan agreed that Debra could get me to buy it, because then the guy wouldn't know it was for her. So she handed me $20.00 and we seperated and I headed over to the booth (out of sight from them). The market by this time was getting ready to close so I knew I had to be quick. I had been there earlier with Debra and Evan but I hadn't been wearing my sunglasses, so i made sure i was wearing them this time and I searched quickly through the racks until I came upon the tank top...I asked the guy innocently "oh, how much is this one?" And he gives me the same "oh, this is a YMI shirt, like in the picture (and he holds up an advertisement), and in the stores they go for $42...but i will give it to you for $20!" So i made a face and said "ooh, shoot. you wouldn't give it to me for $18 would ya? I have $20 on me but I need a few bucks for parking, you see" and he's like "oh, i think we can do that for you" and then he went on while he was wrapping it up for me and told me all about how he had had some really rude couple in earlier who wanted to buy the same tank top for $10!! It was hard not to laugh but i just nodded and agreed with him that that was very rude of them to do that:)