(no subject)

Oct 22, 2004 11:28

Damn, I've been at work for about 2 and a half hours and I've been run ragged.

Fridays here suck.  Mondays are worse.  That's why I don't work Mondays.  But I do work Fridays.  Usually its not so bad.  I do some work but mostly manage to get away with a bit of goofing.  Not today, though.  Last weekend the rest of the team (minus interns) worked all through the weekend.  Meg, who works with office admin stuff on top of all her other responsibilities, decided to take today off as a personal day, so I'm taking over.  Now, I've been a receptionist and I've done lots of grunt work, but this is nuts.  Its not that these are menial tasks that are under me.  In fact, I love doing the mindless grunt tasks, keeps me from having any real responsibility and thus keeps me from fucking up too badly.  But its that I've been swamped completely.

I've had task after task piled before me, and still more.  Now I've been here 3 hours and this is all I've managed to type for myself.  And there's still crap piled in front of me.  I think its a combination of stuff I'd normally get compounded with Meg's stuff, but in either case I would really like a cigarette, a drink, or combination of the two right about now, and its only noon.  I'm going to be here for another 4 hours.  I thought about taking lunch for once and staying til 5...but that would involve staying til 5, and I'm not about to do that.  So I shall go lunchless as I do every Friday, get the crap out of here by 4 and then its home to pack.

This weekend I'm going to Long Island to stay at Heather's til Sunday.  Never really been to LI.  There was the time I went to Adelphi with Tessa, but that's about it for my LI experience.  Apparently this weekend I'll be going to Port Jeff and Suffolk and Corum (sp?) among other places.  I don't really know.  You could take me anywhere in LI, call it anything you wanted, and I wouldn't know the difference.  Anyway, it should be fun.  I'm pretty excited, and it'll be nice to get out of the city for a few days.  Haven't done that since early September and think I could use a break from all this city livin.

So the Cardinals won and the World Series starts off in Boston tomorrow night.  I wonder how much of it I'll be watching.  Heather's father is a die hard Yankee fan, and so is Heather, and while I'm sure they'd love to watch Boston lose, I don't know that they'd actually watch it.  But that's ok.  Know why?  Because of two words: Satellite Television.  Yeah, its been a damn long time since I've experienced anything outside of the sorry state of affairs that is the DirectTV 12station bullcrap we have in the dorms.  That alone is almost enought to get me really excited about LI.  Couple that with the food I'll be eating this weekend (Diner food, cheap chinese, and soup in a breadbowl) and the weekend with Heather away from our crazy schedules, and I'm sure it will be great.

I'm guessing I'll need a heavier coat for the weekend, too.  It almost feels as though sweater weather may be going by too quickly.  That sucks.  I wanted it to last for a while.  Maybe I've just been desensitized to the cold.  Haven't been in really cold climate for a while.  Maybe I just need to adjust better.  Odd though, I usually adjust really fast, but last night when I was in the village I was pretty cold.  Oh well.

Went to Film Forum last night to see Tarnation.  Boy is that movie fucked up.  Its this really REALLY trippy film that the director made about his life using nothing but old video footage and pictures (with a few snipits of old movies and tv shows interspersed, but nothing that would have accumulated to more than a minute and 45 seconds.).  It is really disturbing.  He was a gay kid growing up in TX with a hippy (completely drugged up) mother and his grandparents.  He got onto drugs real early, was kind of schizophrenic, and in general, the whole thing was really crazy.  I guess because it was all real it made it much more disturbing, but it was really good.  I mean, I had to go home, buy some swedish fish, chicken nibblers, and watch Aladdin, but it was really good.

And on that note, now that things have seemingly slowed down here at work, and nearly 2 hours after I started writing this, I'll throw in the towel, call it a post, and go disappear in the bathroom or under my desk for a few minutes and steal some sanity.

Later kids.

-your friendly neighborhood enrique
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