
Sep 28, 2004 11:14

The past few days in review:

Friday before Christina's party I met up with Liz and her boyfriend Chris.  They're good peoples.  We got ready for the party and waited for Heather to get out of her internship by watching Mean Girls (I love giving the experience that is Mean Girls to new people).  Then we cleaned out some shot glasses (as per Christina's request), were joined by Heather, and headed out on our epic journey to Queens.

Walking through the door and seeing people dressed up to fit the Tim Burton theme by looking slightly Goth (but fun Goth, not uber-depressed vampire Goth) is one thing.  Walking through the door and seeing Christina in the kitchen with nothing on but her red underwear is another.  Can honestly say I was not in anyway expecting that (but you looked good, kiddo ;p)

Then we went out to get some tequila before the store closed (we had a bottle of Absolut already, but I felt the need for some Jose Silver...although Gold was on hand already).  We got back and Christina was finally clothed, and we ate some food and began our drunken revelry.  I had Liz pour my first drink, a large screwdriver.  She told me to say when to stop pouring the vodka.  She began to giggle uncomfortably as I hadn't said to stop for about half the cup.  I nursed the drink for about a half hour before Liz told me I was a disgrace, so I downed the damn thing.  Take that Liz!

Then after some tequila shots (several) and Heather killing off a bottle of triple sec, I snuck up to the roof.  Christina was taking people up there already, and it was ok to head up there, but she kept telling me I wasn't allowed up because I was drunk and may hurt myself (which was a possibility because the roof, while walled around on three sides, was open on the one side where the 3 story drop turned into a 5 story drop.  But once I got up there she couldn't force me to go back down!  HA!

After a long stint on the roof with many different people (Paul, Heather, Liz, Chris, and Greg fucking Koizem of all people?!?!?!) and many drinks (yay fo no one else wanting the Silver so I could drink straight from the bottle!) and many free cigarettes later (yay for Taryn for having a seemingly unlimited supply of free cigarettes and yay for Pete who's girlfriend would kill him if he brought home cigarettes and thus left them with me), we finally decided to depart around 2:30.

All in all I would call the party an huge success and strongly suggest that another such event take place sometime within the near future.

Saturday was spent in recovery, although surprisingly no hangover again!  Then after attempting to do work, I gave up, played music, hung out briefly with Dave and Maggie, then a quick stint in 9F, and it was time for some late night bonding over My So Called Life (never have I been exposed to something that so perfectly fits the mold of teen melodrama).

Slept in Sunday and went to pick-a-bagel with Heather (mmm...Lox spread...) watched Igby (I'll get that back to you Faetra), attempted work again, failed again, cooked dinner, and watched Annie Hall.

I love being able to stay up late knowing I don't have to be up for work the next day.  I cherish my weekends.

don't mind the company, either ;p

And then last night...well, I don't know how to express last night.  I'll leave it at that.

Goals for the week:
-sleep more, stupid!
-find Larry Sacharow
-groceries, must get groceries
-set aside money for acoustic guitar...seriously, gotta get one.  Don't care if its shitty or if its one of those "starter" packages that comes with a bunch of accessories and learning material...just need acoustic guitar!  (preferably red or black...pushing towards black...of course the ideal would be tp put aside enough for a black or white ovation, although thats more than double my next paycheck...I guess I'll just continue saving up for that one and give it to myself for Christmas).
-really get to work on Thanksgiving and New Years plans (will continue to bug mother and mother's travel agent until I know that we're going to Marseilles for Thanksgiving and need to get in touch with Lindsay about New Years in London)
-design Halloween costume (and research cost of fabrics)
-see Shaun of the Dead
-write more
-maybe get haircut

Well, thats all for now.  Til another day, less gray and muggy as today,

-Enrique of the Shire
(CAN'T WAIT FOR ROTK EE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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