
Aug 17, 2004 12:05

Well, well, readers. I’m sorry to say that Fordham has decided to cluster-fuck us all! That’s right. Any of you who are Fordham dormers will have one hell of a welcome-back-fuck-you waiting for ya.
While those of you who haven’t moved back in yet have managed to escape the power failures (they’ve decided to install a new generator for the building and needed to shut off power to the building from 8-5 today, I was at work, but still...oh, and they shut off the water which meant that even though I didn’t have to be up til 10 to be at work, I had to get up at 7 in order to take a shower before they shut the water off for the rest of the day...bunch of savages in this town...oh, and they’re going to do it again, but not at the convenient day time, but rather from 8pm to midnight on Thursday! Joy!), there’s still another fun network update we all have to deal with! That’s right, now in order to use the network at all we have to sign in! Yep, they’ve installed a new system they call Perfigo (I call retarded and unnecessary) which is supposed to help the network’s safety, but first requires you to uninstall any and all spyware, anti-virus programs, and firewalls so that it can screw with your machine. Then when you start your computer you will be required to sign in to the system using your lotus notes screen name and password, and for those that forgot, well screw you. Also you will be required to sign in again anytime you restart your computer, and if you’re idle for too long, it could time out and sign you off. Nice touch, aint it. P.S. they cluster fucked the system before they even got it running. It was all supposed to go into effect today, but the moment they started it they fucked up and now unless you have a Mac (damn you Heidi) you’ve got nothing but an expensive stereo/dvd player/paperweight. Remember last summer when we went internet-less for weeks? Who’s thinking repeat?
Well, enough about the idiocies of Fordham, onto other things. Melissa, the intern from Bryn Mawr at my office (hot) is (sadly) leaving us on Thursday (booooooo). On the good side, business casual at my office all the time apparently means that women (like Anna [hot]) can wear black tops with slits across the chest (think club wear, but at the office)...(yeah, this place is awesome). Sorry to exhibit the existence of the Y chromosome, but I’ve got it for a reason.
And once school starts it looks like I’ll be able to wrok easily more than 15 hours a week for them, I can work Tuesday through Thursday mornings til noon and all day Fridays, which means more money than I was expecting, which means that I can have more fun with my friends (including our naval friend Morgan, Mr. Daniels, and the mangoes of Malibu) as well as be able to save up more effectively for next summer’s trip to Spain, and of course, lets not forget the DVD purchases I will have to make (including Punisher, Hellboy extended edition, Mean Girls, Aladdin, ROTK EE [and yes I’m getting the set with the Minas Tirith sculpture and droppin over $70 on it!], and of course Boy Meets World [although I’m not clamoring for the earlier seasons, its only junior year of HS through to the end that I really love the show-its sucked me in and claimed my soul, where I would be without the life lessons taught by Boy Meets World is beyond my comprehension]).
Other things to get accomplished:
-find a new class to take instead of Religion and Feminism, possibly an english course or an art history course, am open to suggestions
-see Christina (miss ya, gorgeous ;p)
-really organize my living space (seriously this time)
-go to Urban and use my discount (from the 19th-29th its employee appreciation and my discount goes from 25% to 40% even on housewares, so anyone that wants to shopping [Faetra, Gillian (if you’re got time between all your OL prep crap), Christina, and anyone else interested in exploiting my discount, let me know]
-grocery shopping, but not until after Thursday because our fridge is going to get fucked by the power outages
-write something better/happier
-get better guitar strings, I mean all my guitars have strings, I just want better ones, although will probably wait till my paychecks really start coming in so I can get my custom hybrid slinkys by ernie ball...well, maybe I’ll just get a new guitar, cause god knows I don’t have enough...
-Laundry dammit!
-still haven’t decided on spats or black and white shoes, all input is welcome

ok, gotta get some sleep (yeah, I’m writing this at about 1 am, but can’t post til I’m at work because...well, I told ya before), so goodnight, folks. Until either my lunch break or tomorrow, or when the internet at the dorms work (whichever comes first),

-your friendly neighborhood enrique

p.s. pardon all the profanity. I usually don’t use it, but I’m tired and can’t be more articulate than “cluster fuck”. Sincerest apologies.
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