Jul 28, 2004 22:45
One of my favorite things about New York City is the rain. Its not like I love rainy weather, like I'd move to Seatle or London (well, I would move to London, just not for the weather). I know what you're thinking: rain is rain no matter where you go. But thats just not true, not for me anyway. Something about the lack of wilderness makes you really appreciate and cherish the moments of primal exertion. Its best when it is really thick, when the sky is so grey and cloudy that the buildings disappear, camaflauged in the etherial mists of nature's spirit. The rain comes down so thick, like powerful clear curtains falling gracefully upon everything and everyone. It calls out. It fills me with an overwhelming desire to get out there, out of the concrete shelters and answer to an animalistic desire to experience this massive force. There's a sense of freedom in it. You ignore the the confines of convention and society, throw caution to the wind, don't care about how you look or how other people see you. it doesn't matter what job you have or how much you money you make or anthing remotely related to modern society. You're just out there, as close to naked as you can feel fully clothed. Its like the opposite of the city. Who cares what shoes you have on, where you got your vintage t-shirt, whether or not your bag is authentic or bought off the street, what your hair looks like, how much you paid for your manacure, who you're going to be rubbing elbows with this weekend, who you met at a club, what movie you're going to, what audition or interview you have coming up, whether or not you've seen outback jack, how old you are and how old you claim to be, whether or not anyone is listening to you or wants you or hates you or likes you or just doesn't care. None of it matters. Not in the middle of a big storm. Its the most liberating thing I can think of in this city. When it rains, I look up at the sky and beg God to tear the clouds apart and crack the skyline with lightning and shake the foundations with thunder. I pray for deluge. I want to be free. I want to be wild. And when its all said and done, I can still come back to the comfortable city life I have grown accustomed to. But when I see a flash in the sky, or hear a pounding in my heart, I want nothing more than to rush outdoors and forget myself and give into the animal for just a few moments. I look to the sky, and defiantly whisper, "bring it on" because I want to be set free and I want to wash all my fears, doubts, and troubles away. I want to forget myself for just a moment, lost in the bliss of the storm.