If you ever have health problems and no one knows what the cause is:

Nov 03, 2009 05:32

Gentle to the point you think the doctor isn't doing anything. Precisely calculated vector everything needs to be moved. The weight of the head fixing the alignment of all the other vertebra as a result of the 1st segment being moved. Unlike pills, the chance something can go wrong is extremely rare (2 cases I've heard of, 1 the patient's vertebra were so structurally wacked, that it didn't help, and 2 the patient who came in for high blood pressure, has his BP drop low because of the high BP meds his was under the influence of). Little video with a tiny bit of info about the technique on the main page, but what they didn't mention is that the change in blood pressure happens immediately and stays until the spine is pulled back out of alighnment (muscles take awhile, to readjust to where they need to be, but normalize after treated over time). Kindof like sitting back and letting the 10lb or more bowling ball known as your head, stretch out the muscles in your back that need stretching.

And since everyone likes the personal stories:
-Sister had frequent daily episodes of memory loss. After a few months now of treatment, her memory loss is nearly gone. How'd it happen? No one knows. It worked though.
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